
her intuitive skills and talents as a copywriter are self-evident

“Laura is an expert in her field. I was clueless about writing a sales page and she swept in to give me the guidance I needed. She has a real eye for detail and her intuitive skills and talents as a copywriter are self-evident. I would highly recommend working with Laura if you want to upgrade your website/sales page.”

~Sally Kirkman | Astrologer | UK

Copy Clarity Call


 Lost Her Imposter Syndrome While Gaining Confidence & Numerous Paying Clients

“Prior to working with Laura, I lacked a lot of self-trust in my writing and in using my voice. I was getting so frustrated feeling like a fraud, and now I have such excitement and confidence!

Through my work with Laura, I’ve created my lead magnet, signature program and accompanying workbooks, numerous content emails to nurture my list, my content library, 2 sales pages, and have gotten a number of paying clients.

Thanks again, Laura, I love working with you – YOU’RE AWESOME!”

~Joy Walters | Wellness Coach | UK

Business Building Breakthrough & Monthly Momentum

“Our work together gave me that push!”

I got my first paying client and was able to complete my coaching certification (Finally!) because I wanted to be a graduate before I felt comfortable sharing my mini-offer! Our work together gave me that push!

~Kari Paegle | Wellness Coach in Training | Texas

Business Building Breakthrough, Quick Wins Strategy Call + make Money Now

“thrilled with this experience!”

I finished up with a tangible landing page/flyer and challenged myself with overcoming some technical components. I was surprised at the new nich that spun from what I thought was originally on my radar and that I have a lot more peace about keeping my coaching simple and much more FUN!

Laura is a great coach and cheerleader, her insights are spot-on and tried and true! Built my confidence!

~ Cynthia Smith | Wellness Coach in Training | New York

Make Money Now


“I’ve finally created my signature system, launched a new group program and signed 5 new clients!”

“Working with Laura has been just what I needed to get my business back on track. I’ve appreciated and enjoyed our work together around building my signature program, creating compelling content and setting up my business to be successful. Laura is easy to work with, shares great ideas and helps hold me accountable. Since working with Laura I have finally created my signature system, launched a new group program and signed 5 new clients! Working with Laura has helped me gain so much more confidence in my abilities as a coach as well as an entrepreneur.”

~ Anna Kluver-Fensler | Wellness Coach | Colorado

Business Building Breakthrough, Lead Magnet & Welcome Sequence Copywriting


“After working with Laura for only a short time, I got clear on my niche, created my signature system, & graduated successfully from my health certification program!”

“I signed up for coaching with Laura to not only have an amazing accountability coach to get me to the finish line with earning my health coaching certification, but to also help me get my business off the ground. After working with Laura for only a short time, I got clear on my niche and business vision, created my signature system, and graduated successfully from my health certification program. Laura helped me at every step and challenged me with areas that needed growth (i.e. writing for business marketing versus more technical writing that I was accustomed to). I learned so much from Laura about launching a coaching business including building a website, marketing strategies, and how to set up my business. I definitely feel more confident as a Holistic Wellness Coach and new business owner because of Laura’s support. When I go to write or do a task for my business I often think: What would Laura guide me to do?”

~Susan Bastini | Wellness Coach | Connecticut

Business Building Breakthrough


“Built My Confidence Immensely & Got Paying Clients”

“After each of my coaching sessions with Laura, I felt motivated and knew exactly what steps I needed to take next. I got clarity on my niche, felt focused, started peer coaching which built my confidence immensely, and I got practice AND paid clients!”

~ Aditi Rastogi | Wellness Coach | England

Business Building Breakthrough

~Lynette Wehner | Wellness Coach in Training |Florida

make Money Now

~ Melisa Dervisevic| Wellness Coach | Connecticut

Make Money Now


“Laura helped reign me back in when I think I need to be doing all.the.things. She’s #1 in my Books!”

“Laura is #1 in my books! On top of being an amazing business coach, Laura has a strategic eye for copy. She helped me nail my message. Her magic power is helping entrepreneurs get out of overwhelm. Laura definitely helped me get through some tough times in my business and is skilled at reigning me back in when I think I need to be doing all.the.things. I owe her so much and I could not recommend her more. Don't hesitate if you're on the fence, Laura's the real deal!”

— Kristy Breen | R.N. & Wellness Coach | Arkansas

Business Building Breakthrough


“Laura’s the full package: Business Coaching Strategy, Mindset, & Coaching Style”

“Before working with Laura, I was in a cycle of stop and go, where I was super motivated, but would often get overwhelmed and stuck. I wasn’t sure of my niche or signature system and started to lose my passion and motivation to build my health coaching business. Without support from Laura, I wouldn’t have been able to become a certified wellness coach, book my first workshop, create my website and email list, and enroll my first paying client! Laura, you are the full package: coaching business mechanics, mindset and coaching style.“

~Melissa Wild Sichi | Wellness Coach | California

Business Building Breakthrough

“Laura helped me gain clarity on my niche, create my signature system, and gave me valuable tips”

"When I first started working with Laura, I was feeling stuck, lost, and didn’t know where to start on my business building. Laura helped me gain clarity on my niche, create my signature system, and gave me valuable tips and feedback on how to write an irresistible sales page and lead magnet. She has a laser eye in spotting ways to improve content; from grammar to syntax and language for your niche. Laura is a remarkable coach whom I’d recommend to any coaches struggling with business building or creating copy."

~ Laura Trucy | Wellness Coach | UK

Business Building Breakthrough

“It felt like it was us doing the work together!”

“Before working with Laura, I was stalled in procrastination, fear, and lack of confidence that I could ever start my own coaching business…Not to mention knowledge on how to even get started building a sales page, lead magnet, or any of that! Working with Laura was so motivating because it felt like OUR work together (like she was coming alongside me and it was US doing it)! Having accountability was invaluable as was her normalize my fears. My biggest take away so far has been how important (and oh my gosh so fun!!) to celebrate my wins, no matter how small. That seriously has been a game changer for me and has literally helped propel me out of procrastination. I would absolutely, a 10, recommend Laura for business coaching and copywriting services! Laura’s content and support is superb and has been extremely helpful for me in between our sessions. It’s helped me to find my way and keep me on my path of putting one foot in front of the other and ultimately taking flight in starting my business. Thank you so much, Laura, for how much you have helped me and will continue to help me! “

~Kari Paegle | Wellness Coach in Training | Texas

Business Building Breakthrough, Quick Wins Strategy Call + make Money Now

“So much more clarity and Confidence”

“Before working with Laura through her 90 Minute Quick Wins Strategy Session, I had lots of fears and uncertainties. I was feeling really stuck in determining who my niche was and how to get started in my business building. Through just 1 strategy session, I feel so much more clarity and confidence around my niche, my next steps to build my coaching business, and my ability to step into the wellness coach I really want to be.”

~ Stacy Robertson| Wellness Coach in Training | Minnesota

Business Building Breakthrough + quick wins strategy call


No Longer “Scattered Without Clear Focus & Direction”

“The coaching and business skills Laura has and the way she teaches was what was missing and exactly what I needed to build a strong foundation for my business. If I didn’t get support from Laura, I would’ve continued to be scattered without clear focus and direction. Through our work together, I have more confidence to put myself out there, I learned how to find practice clients, gained clarity on my niche and developed my signature system. I’ve also built my website, and feel so much more productive and clear.”

~ Lisa Ormond | Wellness Coach | Canada

Business Building Breakthrough

“I really appreciate all of Laura’s expertise, practical advice, & guidance!”

“Before working with Laura, I was very distracted and was having trouble clarifying my niche and staying on track. I felt like I needed someone with her expertise to keep me moving and working through the fears and challenges, in a realistic way, and give me some pointers that would help me not have to struggle so much. I really appreciate all of Laura’s expertise and practical advice and guidance! I always knew that I was an introvert and sensitive but the insight I gained by discovering that I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) has been very exciting and has put so many things into perspective. I am so excited to help other HSPs towards greater wellness, better lifestyle changes, and less struggle in their lives as I’ve found.”

~ Lise Meyers| Wellness Coach | New York

Business Building Breakthrough


“I have much more confidence & excitement launching my business!”

“Many times my mind & all my thoughts felt like a hairball that needed to be combed out. Laura was able to listen, hear me out and reflect back to me in a more organized way of what I really needed to focus on. It was very helpful! I have more confidence and excitement moving forward launching my new business.”

— Heather Norris | Wellness Coach | Maryland

Business Building Breakthrough


“Laura Helped Me Break It Down Into Steps…Loving My New Website & Organized Content Plan”

“Before I began with Laura I had so many ideas swirling around, had tried many things, and felt overwhelmed with it all. She really listened to my dream and goal of what I was trying to put in place which for me was moving from 20 years of being a therapist to developing a more global coaching approach with groups in my new niche. Laura helped me break it all down into steps and encouraged me along the way. I have a new coaching website, plans to use my content in an organized way and most of all, so much more confidence that I can do this! Laura has great energy and she is successful and knowledgeable. She didn’t let me get ahead of myself and helped me really focus on completing one piece before I moved on to the next. ”

~Donna Shin | Wellness Coach & Therapist | Maryland

Business Building Breakthrough

“She took the sales page for my coaching program from very basic to professional.”

“Working with Laura has been the answer to my prayers to move my coaching business forward. She took the sales page for my coaching program from very basic to professional. Having Laura create the copy for my lead magnet and welcome series has given me such a confidence boost in my coaching business. I would definitely recommend Laura!”

— Deb White | Wellness Coach | Indiana

Business Building Breakthrough + Monthly Momentum